My prayer for all of you is that Jesus, the Living Word of God, will send his Spirit to help you grow in wisdom, age, and grace just as Scripture tells us he did when he was your age. Spread his love and joy!
Grade 5: Students will learn the meaning of worshiping God as a community through prayer and service. The focus will be on the sacraments, the seasons of the Church, and how to live as disciples of Jesus.
Grade 6: The focus is the Bible. Students will come to know God’s love for them, God’s active presence in the history of the Chosen People, and how Jesus, the Messiah, came into the world to save us and bring us the Spirit.
The students will also study the middle school level of Theology of the Body. This text is based on the writings of Pope Saint John Paul II, honoring humanity as made in the image and likeness of God, male and female.
Grade 7: Students will reflect on how they live their belief in God as faithful disciples of Jesus. They will review the Trinity, Jesus as our Messiah, the sacraments, and living out our vocation as we practice the works of mercy and Catholic social teaching as the Church, the Body of Christ.
August 5 Cole 14 Olivia September 9 Joseph 21 Megan October 23 Julia 28 Dakotah November 15 Aiden 23 Ava |
January 12 Chase 16 Makana February 6 Mingyao 10 Christopher 14 Sophie 15 Jaylee |
May 4 Gracen June 11 Issam 18 Chloe |