Things are going well, but here are a few reminders:
Be aware that there is NO PARKING along Park Drive, AND that there is road work being done on Park Drive.
Follow the directions of teachers who are directing traffic.
Keep in mind that at dismissal, both East-West parking lot lanes (parallel to West Metairie) are ONE-WAY towards Grammar Street, and that those in the lane nearest West Metairie may ONLY TURN RIGHT onto Grammar Street, and those in the lane nearest the school building may ONLY TURN LEFT onto Grammar Street.
Please obey the "no parking" signs and respect the cones--DO NOT EVER MOVE THEM!.
In the morning, NEVER make a U-turn in the parking lot in such a way as to come near children assembled for prayer and pledge.
Do NOT be on a cell phone while near the school or in the parking lot, and please drive SLOWLY.
In the morning, NEVER pass a car ahead of you that may be taking a bit longer while unloading children.